Main Product
The Right Use of EVERSPRING
Innovation results in change, we are constantly challenged to broaden the scope of our activities to better
serve our customers:
Working with our customers to find creative solutions and develop closely relationships for mutual success.
We have worked hard to change our thinking. Now we look forward to evolve as an opportunity to find out how we can
change to better serve our customers and try to find additional opportunities to enhance customer satisfaction.
Our goal is to achieve the most cost-effective solution in the stabilization of polymers without sacrificing
quality and performance.
Our raw materials are all from ISO quality-certified suppliers.
All of our products and services are ISO 9001 Certified.
Why use Antioxidants?
Practically all polymer materials undergo oxidative degradation reactions occurring at one or all of the
manufacturing, processing and end use stages.
Antioxidants are highly effective in preventing this degradation to the extent that color development, physical and
mechanical property loss is kept within acceptable limits.
The diagram below represents the complex series of chemical reactions that take place when polyolefin’s degrade in
the presence of oxygen and how antioxidants can intervene in this process.

Antioxidants: Everspring’s polymer stabilizer product
line offers Primary and Secondary Antioxidants,
The wild range of antioxidants & stabilizers offered by Everspring's Polymer Additives business can play an
important role in counteracting the effects of degradation.
Everspring Corp. manufactures and markets a wide range of products to serve the chemical industry